Thursday 22 November 2007

You've got to be joking.

This is an old joke (and I agree, a morally dodgy one): A GP, a physician, a psychiatrist, a health bureaucrat, a surgeon and a pathologist go duck hunting.

The GP sees a bird in the sky and says, 'It might be a duck but I'm not sure' and the bird flies off.

The next bird is spotted by the physician who raises his gun but then hesitates and says, 'It is extraordinarily duck-like but we do need to consider other possibilities.'

He turns to the psychiatrist who says, 'Well, I know it's a duck but the question is, does it know it's a duck.'

The health bureaucrat cuts him off and says, ' I don't care what it is and in any case you've run out of shot'.

The surgeon suddenly raises his gun and BLAM BLAM, the bird falls to the ground. The surgeon turns to the pathologist and says, "Do us a favour mate and go and see if that was a duck.'

Now, for something really funny: regional Bundaberg health execs, the office of the Director General of Health and the Queensland Medical Board accredit an Indian-American surgeon to work at Bundaberg base hospital under an 'area of need' program.

They then ignore and or threaten clinicians who are telling them he is a psychopath (a fact a simple Google search of the man's name would have confirmed).

The story eventually hits the headlines and before a Royal Commission gets underway, Uncle Beattie buys the surgeon-psychopath an airline ticket back to the States.

Now it has got even funnier. The erstwhile Deputy Director General of Health is now the head of our new watch dog: the 'Health Quality and Complaints Commission.' Quacc! Quacc! indeed.

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